Friday, 2nd September, 2005 - London

Dear readers,

My blog will be off air for a short period of time. You probably never knew, either did I until yesterday, that is (was) hosted in New Orleans. I knew it was hosted in the States but not it's exact location. You are probably aware of the hurricane that has occured in New Orleans with no electicity, no food and thousands dead and missing. had been running on generator power until it finally gave up the boot yesterday. Thankfully, in due time, will be restored to a new home. Until then, you will have to be patient (and so will I!).

I was amazed to see reports about divine intervention saving this city from a direct blow. A statue of Jesus surrounded by fallen trees and destruction remained without harm apart from a couple of missing fingers. It is said that the hand of god flicked the storm east saving the city from complete disaster. However, now reading some reports on BBC, a local made a comment that I found to be another case of divine intervention.

"Miraculously, we have internet, but no phones, no electricity, and no running water."

I know we are in a new technological age and on many occasion I have thanked some kind of higher being for the creation of the internet but do you think God may have his priorities wrong here? What happened to the good old fashioned feeding of the five thousand? :)

Even some lucky New Orleans survivors are still able to blog and I'm sure Jesus' fingers will show up on Ebay. But for now, I'll just be a floating page in the ether.


P.S Scotland was fantastic! We arrived back safe and sound :)

Kuju Abroad!

Copyright Natalie Ujuk 2005